Jingdezhen, a city of china, in China…
Did you know the word ‘china’, besides referring to the country, also means Chinese porcelain? During ancient times, Chinese porcelain has been an important trade commodity that promotes cultural exchanges between China and the western worlds. Originated and made exclusively in China, these porcelains have since been called ‘china’ by the western parts of the world.
When it comes to ‘china’ from Jingdezhen, there are the “Four Great Porcelains (四大传统名瓷)” as well, namely:
Jin De Zheng's Porcelain Bowls
Brought to you by Dong Po Xuan
Often called the “Porcelain Capital” for its important role in the domestic and international ceramic industry, Jingdezhen is renowned for its ancient porcelain production that stretches back more than 1,700 years.
Come enjoy a piece of history holding on to your pipping hot rice and soup. The rare handcrafted bowl where you are able to lift the bowl to drink and eat without having to worry that the bowl is too hot to hold.